A contractual joint venture may purchase, on both the domestic market and the world market, the raw and processed materials, fuels, etc. within its approved scope of operation. 合作企业在经批准的经营范围内所需的原材料、燃料等物资,按照公平、合理的原则,可以在国内市场或者在国际市场购买。
The idea is a joint government-manufacturer incentive plan to give consumers with old car trade-ins a$ 3,000 cash back deal on the purchase of any new car. 这个方案是政府和企业携手合作推出的奖励计划,让购车人用原有的旧车作为交换,不管买什么样的新车时就可以得到3千美元现金。
Ping-borne joint investigation: "The six countries" would not affect the purchase? 平媒联合调查:国六条是否影响购房计划?
PetroChina is seen as unlikely to make a full bid for BP, mostly because of political obstacles, but could join the British group in joint ventures or purchase assets from BP. 据信中石油不太可能对bp发起全面收购,主要是由于政治上的障碍,但可能会以合资企业的形式加入这一英国集团,或是购入bp资产。
Those joint ventures would naturally purchase their iron-ore needs from Vale. 而且,这些合资企业自然会从淡水河谷购买铁矿石来满足自身需求。
When a written agreement cannot be reached, a joint owner should proceed with the purchase and sale or exchange of his ( its) own portion of the building property. 书面协议无法成立时,房产共有人得将属于自己份额的房产进行买卖、交换。
The joint owners of the building property shall be jointly and severally liable for the purchase and sale or exchange of the jointly owned building property to which they unanimously agreed. 房产共有人对一致同意的共有房产的买卖、交换负有连带责任。
When a joint owner sells his own portion of the building property, the other joint owners have, under the same conditions, the right of first refusal to purchase. 房产共有人将自己份额的房产出售时,在同等条件下,其他共有人有优先购买权。
Where JOINT VENTURE appoints Party B by proxy to buy equipment outside China, representatives of Party A shall participate in the purchase. 第三十四条合营公司委托乙方在国外市场选购设备时,应邀请甲方派人参加。
Solution by Jacobi determinant, the joint probability density function of stochastic partial elasticity of total cost related to random purchase quantity and purchase period is obtained. 通过求解雅各比行列式,给出了总费用对随机采购量和随机采购周期的随机局部弹性的联合概率密度。
The Research and Design on the Bidding-apprise Model in Joint Purchase Bidding 联合采购招标中评标模型的研究与设计
Small and medium-sized steel enterprises should form a strategic alliance and cooperate with domestic shipping carriers, in which way they can control the ocean freight through joint purchase and transportation of iron ore. 中小型钢铁企业应组成企业间战略联盟,并积极开展与国内航运企业的合作,通过联合采购、联合运输,合力控制进口铁矿石海运成本。
The wholly foreign-owned enterprises and joint ventures as the main performance of the classical form of enterprise, trade and control of resources to the same owner, the perpetrator commercial bribery significance only to deprive other dealers fair trading opportunities and to increase the purchase price ultimately consumers. 在以独资企业和合伙企业为主要表现的古典企业形态下,交易资源的所有者和控制者同一,行为人商业受贿的意义仅在于剥夺其他交易者公平的交易机会和增加最终消费者的购买价格。
In the optimal portfolio insurance strategy, we sold through the purchase of protective options, and the use of multiple copies of the joint purchase of stock and options and other strategies, the establishment of the optimal policy model and implements the investment insurance purposes. 在最优投资组合保险策略中,我们通过购买保护性的卖出期权、以及采用多份股票与期权联合购买等多种策略,建立了最优策略模型并实现了投资保险的目的。
As the competition becomes more intense, and the advance of industrialization in enterprises, some traditional industries begin to invite independent manufacturers in public bidding through e-commerce in large joint purchase, in order to get lower prices. 随着竞争的日益激烈和企业信息化的不断推进,各传统行业纷纷开始通过电子商务联合独立厂商进行较大规模的联合采购招标,以得到价格上的优惠。
At the same time this paper research type of co-branding-heterogeneous joint, similar joint, whether or not affect consumer attitudes, which forms of co-branded have greater impact on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. 同时本文研究合作品牌将要结成联合的情况下,品牌联合类型&异类联合、同类联合是否会影响消费者的态度,哪类形式对消费者对联合品牌态度和购买意向影响较大。